Friday, September 14, 2007

Star Wars Episode 3.1415926535897932384626

Well I'll be a son of a duck.

After reading my post on Darth Vader Vs the Duck, MG (my colleague) had a dream of his own. According to him, he was seeing himself in third person from behind (like in the game Hitman) and he was fighting with Darth Vader. I'm not sure but maybe he was using a light saber like Luke or more likely the one used by Darth Maul (the guy likes to mod stuff you know) .

I guess he must have got knocked down or something cause he was holding on to Darth Vader's leg trying to stop him from escaping. He should have just pointed the light sabers at Darth Vader's cojones. I don't care if he is a Sith Lord, any guy getting hit on the crown jewels ain't going to run anywhere any time soon. Or did Anakin's nuts get roasted in the lava pits?

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