Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Dreams controlled by the Telly

I tend to sleep with something on. Either on the telly or lately running on my laptop. What I have noticed is that your dreams can be dictated by what is playing on the boob tube.

When I was in Australia, I used to watch the telly until I fall asleep, never bothering to turn off the tv. Hey late night tv is good: Late Show with David Letterman, old reruns of sitcoms and even some new ones. But I digress. In Australia especially on Channel Ten , they would show some religious programs early in the morning. When I kick in to my REM sleep, I would get dreams and/or nightmares with Christian/God/Satan overtones. Can't really remember the exact dream but you get the picture.

With cartoons or comedies, you get really funny weird dreams as well. Don't have specific examples but any dream with its own laugh track is a good dream. I suppose if you have masochistic tendencies you might want to sleep to "The Ring" or "Nightmare on Elm Street".

Currently sleeping to Nickelodeon .

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